Last night one of my friends told me I was going to be single for the rest of my life, and suggested that i might need a girlfriend.? I thought it was the perfect time to write about finding love in the same sex. Many women whom seek love in another woman claim that they are "FED UP" with men, for they have had negative, unhealthy, stressful relationships with them. They claim ALL men are Low Down, Scandalous, Trifling, NO good, Good For Nothing DOGS.. lol Don't get me wrong, many men have these qualities, and i can NOT name 1 woman i know that has NOT had their fair share, not even myself. BUT I'm not Ignorant to the fact there has to be SOME GOOD MEN out there. Women who say they are going to be gay because ALL men are Dogs is whack and immature to me. Same goes for when a black women says I'm NOT Dating black men anymore. Love is color blind. Just as you can find love in any color, race, ethnicity etc YOU CAN also find love in any gender. (its just taboo to do so) So if a woman wants to switch it up, it should be for the right reasons. NOT because she is bitter and scorned but for LOVE AND COMPANIONSHIP.
If a female seeks interest in another woman more POWER to them. Love is BEAUTIFUL, regardless of sexual orientation. I wasn't opposed to the idea, but I KNOW where my heart is. Though I'm probably lonely 70% or more of the time and have been single going on 5 years (lol) I try and not let that discourage me. I KNOW what i want NEED and DESERVE and i Refuse to settle for anything less than that. I remain optimistic that God will eventually Bless me with the man he feels is right for me, as he has in the past.
Why would i involve myself romantically with a woman and possibly get attached, when ultimately i want a LIFE (male) partner whom i can start a family with.? I'm not thinking for NOW and i don't want INSTANT GRATIFICATION. I'm thinking long term, and for me, a homosexual relationship would be far from that. Women are fun to play with, but I sure don't want one for a life partner.
(I chose purple because today has been declared Spirit Day. Wear purple to raise awareness of and honor the 8 gay teens who recently took their lives) :)