Many people need to live their lives and dont think about me. I hate for someone to tell me how to live my life. I cant help but be annoyed with associates and family members telling me how to live my life. This Is MY LIFE. Live your own life the way you want. Its one thing for a person to give suggestions on certain aspects of life experiences and not wanting me to make the same mistakes, i get that, i understand that, i APPRECIATE that. But its one thing for a person to act Holier than thou, and act as if their life is in order. Then try to down me for my "wrong doings" (according to them) and actions. People are so quick to give their opinion on what I do, the things I SAY, the CLOTHES I wear, the PHOTOS I take etc... I DO WHAT I WANT. I dont go by "the book". Im old enough to make my own decsions and even deal with possible consequences of my actions. I've made pretty good decisions through out my life, and if not I learn from them. I mind my OWN BUSINESS, why does it seem so difficult for others to do the same? Other peoples actions, the things they say, the photos they take are ALL THEM. They are EXPRESSING themselves. If its not harming me, I really dont give a damn. Thats their Life, not MINE. I wish certain individuals would do the same, and just let me LIVE!! They need to live their Life and NOT think about ME!